Greetings to All My Spiritual Family,

I would like to invite each of you to attend the first monthly Drumming, Meditation & Prayer Circle at The Purple Pathe this coming Saturday, March 19, 2011.

You are all invited to attend this event and be a part of the birth of something new at The Purple Pathe.

With the damage suffered in Japan by the recent earthquake and tsunami we will be connecting with other Lightworkers across the planet and adding our energy of healing, love and support to the people of Japan as well as to our Mother Earth, Gaia.

The Vernal Equinox, more commonly known as the Spring Equinox is Sunday, March 20, 2011 and all across the planet there are many groups participating in many forms of work, activations and energy balancing. We will be connecting, through the ethers, to this work as well.

With the recent start of the 9th Wave of Unity Consciousness, we will also be connecting in a conscious manner to the energy of ONEness.

We plan to start around 1p.m. and will let the day unfold as it likes. You are welcome to come early and bring some type of lunch with you and we will share time visiting and moving our selves into the higher frequency energies.

The cost of this event is a love donation as you feel comfortable giving.

For those of you who haven’t been to The Purple Pathe yet and don’t know how to get here, you can find a link to a map on this page. Just look to the right side of this page under “links” and click on Directions To The Purple Pathe

Everyone is invited and I hope to see many of you here for this, the first of many to come monthly events of sharing and healing at The Purple Pathe.



In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



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