One Heart, One Planet, ONE Healing

Greetings To All My Spiritual Family, In this time of great change we have moved in to, I feel compelled to share with everyone who passes along The Purple Pathe as much healing, loving energy as possible. The devastation our brothers and sisters, human and otherwise, have and are still Read more…

Let's Talk Numerology………

Greetings and Salutations,

A few days ago a friend ask me about the meaning of the number 9. In answer to her question I offer this to share.


Keywords, or Triggers:

Most often in numerology you will see what are referred to as “keywords” listed with each number. Although there is nothing wrong with using this term, I personally prefer the term “triggers“. I prefer this term simple because I feel it more precisely speaks of and describes the process of understanding and experiencing the vibrational messages of numbers.

Each of these “trigger” words carry within them a certain vibrational frequency that upon hearing, (entering our energy field), automatically creates within us certain physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual responses, or “vibrations”. They “trigger” certain frequencies or vibrations within us to activate.

They do so because “we/humans/spiritually energetic beings” have invested time and energy into creating these words, or more precisely, “sound frequencies”, and imbuing them with particular collectively agreed upon frequencies/energies. The ways in which this is accomplished are many, varied and detailed, but in a nutshell we can say it is achieved by focusing attention and emotion, and therefore energy into the thought form. Once the thought form is created, each time it is used it transfers the particular energy assigned to it.

There are Universal and Cosmic frequencies and energies at play in this process also; and it is no accident “We” have attached particular energy frequencies to certain concepts and words, but the words chosen can be any word as long as that word is energetically imbued with the agreed upon “intent” and “emotion”. The use of multiple languages across the planet attests to this.


In answer to the question about the meaning and frequency of the Number 9, I offer the following.


Reading for Healing of Gulf Oil Spill……..

Greetings and Salutations, Normally this article would only be posted on the Daily Card page, but today Spirit is leading me to share it here also. So following what I am being given…. I share. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ According to Spirit, today’s Daily Card is to be something different than our regular Read more…

Frequency Teachings of Chile's Earthquake

Frequency Teachings of Chile’s Earthquake

Before I go further in my sharing of the spiritual information I received, I want to first take a moment to impart my sympathy and compassion with all those of our human family who have been hurt and touched in any emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual manner by this cataclysmic event.

We, the Spiritually Awakened of your Family, send loving, healing energy to assist in the life-changing process and occurrences, You, our Brothers and Sisters are now enduring.

To each of you we say….     In Lak’ech Ala K’in


As a numerologist, when I read the article released by of the magnitude measurement of 8.8 of the earthquake that recently struck Chile, it really grabbed my attention.

If we listen to the information being emitted by the frequencies associated with the Master number 88 we hear the tones of….

Initiation into Divine Knowing

The energy emitted in this event is one of releasing, shifting and bringing very strong Spiritual energies into balance. These energies are assisting us, showing us and teaching us of the right use of the Universal Laws required for us to come into our own power individually and collectively.

Shifting are our ideas of Spiritual Authority… (more…)

Inauguration Numerology

Greetings Fellow Travelers,

On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, the people of the World will watch and participate in their individual and unique way as We, the Citizens of the United States of America swear in a new president, Barack Obama.

What I would like to share with you is the amazing vibrations that will be in effect on that particular day and how they pertain to the coming earth changes and shift in the collective consciousness. The Beings of the higher spiritual realms have been working hard in conjunction with the awakened and awakening beings of humanity to put into place all the help they can in order to aid humanity in our ascension into the next plane of existence.

First let’s look at the high vibratory rate being created and held in place by the numbers associated with this day. We’ll start at the bottom, if you will, with the single digit numbers and work our way up in vibration all the way to the level of triple numbers and their vibrations and lessons.

In the Gregorian calendar we follow as a society, Tuesday is the third day of the week, so already we are off to a good start. The number 3 is the number of Creativity, Self-Expression and the Joy of Living. It lends its energy to creating a very joyous, social and tasteful day of celebration.

Now let’s look at the year 2009 as a whole and what the vibrations of this year hold for us all. (more…)