Greetings Once Again,
I would like to share with you all an article written by a very good friend of mine. Truly is she a gifted and loving person and I am honored to call her Spiritual Sister.
I know you will find her sharing heartwarming, and feel its energy stir and awaken something within your Being.
Every moment does she live……. In Lak’ech Ala K’in
Love, Light and Blessings,
Essence Ka tha’ras
The Crack Between the Worlds and Your Energetic Signature
Lately I’ve been thinking about the “in between times” of dawn and dusk. These elegant transition spaces carry life forms from night to day; day to night, dark to light and back, like ushers gently opening the gate ~ to space and time ~ yet unknown.
There is such palpable magic in the spaces of dawn and dusk. Outside sounds seem to soften; graying light shadows dance and flow on airwaves whose density changes as temperature fluctuates. Inside ~ sound seems slightly more muffled and lamp light shifts and changes as the outer light or non-light filters in. A shifting mist descends and what is on the other side is sensed but not yet formed.
Some say ~
dawn and dusk are the most powerful times for prayer, the crack between the worlds is fluid space and our messages can be heard with ease on the other side.
I’ve thought of how many dawns and dusks I’ve crossed, how often being centered on the gifts of this sweet space and how many oblivious, my focus preoccupied with some task or need for sleep.
The Earth and all her beings are now in a GALACTIC DAWN, shadows and light crossing, mutating, blending in swirls of inner personal change and shifting global consciousness, a divine chaos, an amniotic soup from which will be born the blueprint of the next age.
Each of us carries something of this new world; each of us creates, offering our energy signature to the future generations.