The Gang of 1979….. A Moment of Shared Time Reality

Recently I purchased a book entitled:


The Return of the Rebel Angels

The Urantia Mysteries and the Coming of the Light

by: Timothy Wyllie

As I sifted through the pages of this book upon first acquiring it, for some reason the authors mention of the ancient Christian Sect known as the Cathars stood out for me. I was already familiar with a very basic knowledge of the Cathar movement and knew they and their beliefs were considered heretical by the early Christian Church, but never felt any desire to research them or what they believed any further, and interestingly enough, still don’t. Still I found myself posing the question about what anyone else might know or feel about them on a forum site I belong to; one run by a good friend of mine, known as The Luminous Garden. Another friend who belongs to this same site responded, and during our exchange of information on the topic of The Cathars, this article, let’s calls it, was born. The most interesting thing about all of this to me is the fact that this article has, as far as I can see, absolutely nothing to do with The Cathars; and neither myself nor my friend really seem drawn to knowing any more about them than we already do. So, with that part of this story told, I now move on to what was originally born from all of this; which interestingly enough, doesn’t really seem to have an extremely poignant concept or reason to it, other than for me to share an entertaining story from my personal life.

Like I shared on The Luminous Garden, “Sometimes we just have to acquiesce to a larger picture Spirit has in mind that we do not see yet. So that is what I am doing.”


I’m going to share something about myself. Nothing really exciting, just a simply fact. In my early life, (this lifetime…lol) I did not like to read. I was more into writing. Actually that is not altogether correct either. I think I would have to say I was more into socializing than anything else. To this day, I have still not read any of what mainstream society calls “The Classics”, except for a bit of Shakespeare, (mostly in bits and pieces), Dante Alighieri’s, Divine Comedy, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and most all of the works of Joseph Campbell, although I am not sure if mainstream thought holds his work among their entitled “Classics” or not. These are the types of works I cut my literary teeth on. In this type of literature I found something of interest to me. I am sure what is considered among “The Classics” is of great value on many levels; I have just never been drawn to read it. As I write this, I am struck by the supposition that the reasoning for my lack of interest in “The Classics” is because I abhor drama. I had enough drama in my life in those earlier days, and I have worked very hard on myself, and the drama I created and allowed into my life, in order to eliminate it. I am still very conscious of what I allow into my life so as not to create any undo drama. I find the energy of drama to be extremely draining and a waste of my time and efforts.

Now, on with the sharing of my nonessential personal revelation.

At the age of somewhere between 19 and 21ish, I began the second phase of my Spiritual Awakening in a truly earnest form. Suddenly I couldn’t read fast enough, but only those types of work that dealt with subjects such as Astrology, Numerology, Shamanism, Quantum Physics, Alchemy and Magick, the Kabbalah, Ancient Civilizations and their beliefs, etc., (more…)

Shambahalla New Earth Multi-Dimensional Workshop with Essence

Greetings, For those who do not yet know, this coming Saturday, March 3, 2012, I will be holding the very first Shambahalla New Earth Multi-Dimensional Workshop in Beaumont, TX. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Is there something calling you?  A voice within that will not be silenced? Do you feel a yearning to seek something you know is out there, even though you do not know what that some thing is? Have you long harbored and nurtured an unexplainable desire to Read more…



I’m Sorry          Please Forgive Me

I Love You            Thank You

Ho’oponopono, (pronounced ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient and sacred traditional Hawaiian practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

According to Wikipedia, “Hoʻoponopono” is defined in the Hawaiian Dictionary as “mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness.” Literally, hoʻo is a particle used to make an actualizing verb from the following noun, as would “to” before a noun in English. Here, it creates a verb from the noun pono, which is defined as

“goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary.”

Ponopono is defined as “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat.”

So to state it in a proverbial nutshell, Ho’oponopono means “to make right“.

Simply stated, Ho’oponopono is a belief that illness and disease are caused by disharmonious thoughts, words and deeds. Ho’oponopono teaches that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our lives as the individual we are, and because we are all One Divine Being Self, we are also responsible for each other. Ho’oponopono teaches us that the reason there is disharmony, illness, disease, famine, war, etc. on our planet is because we are not living in a manner of balance and harmony with our Divine Nature.

Ho’oponopono is very simple to do. First you consciously   (more…)

Conscious Intent & Purpose

Greetings To All,

My… but it has been quite a long time since I have posted here. So much has transpired in that linear time frame I have difficulty encompassing it all into a neat and tidy thought form.


I will share with you all that last June, on the 27th to be exact; I was called to begin working with etheric BE-ings whom I have come to lovingly refer to as the “Q4”. I will not go into detail in this post about all of that, but for those who are interested in learning more about the Q4 and my work with them I offer a link to my web-site devoted to that work. Beginning in early August of 2011, I more or less went on hiatus from the Internet and all the cyber-world offers for several months. I have only recently begun making my way back to begin sharing all I have been up to; so know the Q4 web-site is just now beginning to take form. You may find more information about the Q4 here……

Shambahalla & New Earth

Or at the wordpress site here…..

Shambahalla & New Earth on WordPress

Now, on to the current article.


For some time now I have subscribed to a wordpress blog known by the name of its author… Matariki. In the Māori language, Matariki is both the name of the Pleiades star cluster and also of the season of its first rising.


This past week an article she wrote caught my attention. It was entitled “Things Being Unearthed”. In the next day or two, I happened to read a follow-up article entitled “Choosing to See. Both of these articles are about personal memories she is having come up from her childhood as are associated with her experiences within the Catholic Church, most specifically, the ritual of receiving her First Holy Communion. Now normally this would not be something that would capture my attention, but for some reason it did. I have been on my Spiritual Awakening Journey long enough to know that when I am prompted in ways such as I was by these articles; I am to pay attention and act as I am led.


Originally I simply intended to write a brief comment on her blog and leave it at that, but that simple comment turned into something much more. It is that “something much more” I share with you here. Yet before I do, I would like to address one or two issues.


The energy within the following information I have written, and the information shared by Matariki carries in it a fairly strong overtone of “Conspiracy Theory” energy; that is until you read this article in full.  Although I keep myself apprised of the information that has come to be thought of as “Conspiracy Theory”, and I personally see it, and understand it to be born of truth, I also know it has the potential to instill fear and anxiety within those who don’t fully understand its workings within our Realm of Reality. (This point is addressed in the following article). For this reason alone, I most often choose not to add to feeding it any energy by writing about it and releasing that energy into the Energy Field of the Collective Consciousness. I do not judge those whose work it to expose such information to the masses, as a matter of fact, I have much respect for their work; but in that same turn, I do not judge myself for not participating in that work on a regular basis. This is because I KNOW it is not the work I have come to this planet to do in this particular point in time and space.


If you have begun reading this, I highly urge you to finish the article in full. Even though it may contain information that may cause you feelings and emotions of discomfort at first, in the end it will leave you filled with energy that is high in frequency and full of Hope and Divine Love. Also, we fully understand that there are no accidents in this journey we are on; only Divine Synchronicities. It is by no accident you have found your way to these words and the information and energy contained within them. You have been bought here purposely by your Higher Self and your Etheric Guides.


I can attest personally to the energy of assistance woven into this information. I fully believe that simply by reading this article in full, you will experience personal information and issues you are currently working on being brought to the surface for you to heal and release.


With that said, I now share the article in full.






Church’s Intents & Purposes

Lies & Stolen Power


Are you familiar with books such as “The Spiral Dance” by Starhawk, “The White Goddess” by Robert Graves, or even the work of “fiction” by Marion Zimmer Bradley entitled, “The Mists of Avalon”?


All of these works, fiction and nonfiction, speak of the stolen power of the Goddess/Matriarchal lineage by (more…)

Here Comes The Sun By now most people have heard of the current solar flare activity that is occurring. The “experts” are telling us that we are in for mild to moderate communications interruptions on the planet for a twelve to twenty-four hour period for Wednesday, June 8, and Thursday, June 9, 2011. I had heard, or read on-line to be more exact, there was solar activity occurring but was not overly concerned or interested. That was until Read more…

A Reminder to Honor the Energetic Self

Greetings to All My Spiritual Family, I come to share these words today as a reminder of just how important it is we not forget to take time to move into a quiet space and renew and re-energize our self periodically; but know I am not talking about just the physical planes and self. Although the physical aspect of renewal and regeneration is vitally important, it is as important, if not more so, to remember Read more…

Welcome to the Third Day

Greetings to All my Spiritual Family, I had wanted to have an article written to share some thoughts with you all on the fact that today we move into the Third Day of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar, but it seems I have been taken into the underworld to do some reflecting and releasing of my own. Wednesday morning I suddenly came down with symptoms that I can only describe as flu like. Read more…

A Message to You from OUR Divine Self

Greetings, This message to You from OUR Divine Self, is a part of the Daily Card reading for Monday, May 9, 2011. I am reposting it here because I felt it shared a wonderful message for us all at this time in our work as a collective consciousness and wanted to make it more easily found by people who don’t necessarily come and see the Daily Card each day. I now share…… A Message to Read more…

A Mother’s Day Blessing

Greetings To All My Spiritual Kin,   I just wanted to take a moment on this auspicious occasion to send each and every one of you a special Blessing. Tomorrow, on the day we honor our Mothers, we do so on all levels. Just as we bestow honor to the women who have birthed us, so too do we pay homage to our Mother Earth. With humility, we confer our respect and give tribute to Read more…

Inner Earth Ringing, Tibetan Monks in Spirit Cave Hear New Sounds

Greetings To All My Spiritual Family, The video I am about to share with you was brought to my attention by a member of, known as Divineclown. He shares these words on his original posting. Sounds from the Hollow Earth. Citizens of Shambala are releasing powerful vibrating energy. It sounds like a extreme combined energy of healing mantra sounds. On the surface the Tibetan monks that are meditating in this cave of the spirits Read more…